Monday, April 22, 2013

It's my birthday!


Today is my B-day! Yes, I am one of those people who are actually happy that they are one year older.  And why not? Getting old is part of life and we should embrace all parts of it. So why to remind yourself that we are getting older, why to start your special day with looking in a mirror searching for wrinkles, why to count all the things that we wanted to accomplish by this time and we haven't, when there are many reasons to celebrate this day. For me it's very special B-day because it's the first time I am spending it with my husband. And look what I found on a table when I woke up this morning. Isn't it sweet? I also got a beautiful love letter from my husband later this day but it's too personal to share it.

So I just want to use this way to say thank you for everything that is happening in my life. I am so grateful to live such a privileged and beautiful life with the perfect man for me. You know, I believe there is no absolutely perfect person but I am sure that everyone can have the person that is perfect just for YOU. And I am so lucky that I found mine! Love you, babyboocious! xxx

I got the most beautiful Happy B-day song ever from my Nigerian in-law family. They are the best in the whole-wide world!

And to be also little bit (hm, maybe more than little - lol) materialistic I want to share what I got as my B-day gift from my man. 

Yes, it's the new Kindle Paperwhite and I absolutely LOVE it. Finally I can read even when my hubby wants to sleep and I don't need to feel guilty when we go to bed and he asks me with a completely astonished face: "You still wanna read?". No, I am kidding. He never says anything but he covers himself with the blanket from head to toe and when I am done with my reading and switch the light off I can only hear from below the blanket very tired: "Finally." LOL

And later we had some delicious pizza. Yummy, yummy!

So that's all from me today. Enjoy life!


Your Funmilayo

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